Our Services
One of our abiding philosophies in all services we provide is that our equipment always be of the best quality possible.
Operating the most up to date models ensures maximum efficiency and decreased downtime on projects due to repairs. Our fleet is made up of truck and trailer units, loaders, excavators, graders, dump trucks, bulldozers, watercarts, rollers and other speciality equipment.
Maintenance of all plant and equipment is a high priority for the same reason. We employ designated servicing engineers and have purpose-built maintenance and fabrication facilities at our head office in Bromley and at our Miners Road Quarry.
We have made significant investment in technology. Computer-aided equipment allows us the benefits of rapid, accurate and comprehensive information for a range of survey applications. The introduction of drone surveying has dramatically reduced the time it takes to survey large and awkward areas to provide detailed topographies. The drone has been beneficial for stockpile surveys, volume measurements and also provides excellent video footage to keep clients updated on site progress.

Andrew/Mike – content to come

Earthworks has always been our strength, providing the foundation for successful developments. We have a modern fleet of machines using the latest machine control technology and have the capability to move hundreds of thousands of cubic metres in very short time frames. Every project is different and our experience allows us to understand these complexities and work with our clients to find the best solutions. We also specialise in ground improvement with one of the largest Impact rollers in New Zealand.

Drainage is essential to every aspect of modern developments. We have a detailed understanding of all aspects of drainage, Gravity, Low pressure and Vacuum sewer and Stormwater infrastructure. We also provide Potable Water and Fire protection installation, lay fibre optic, power and irrigation services.
Our drainage crews consist of Authorised Local Government installers for Gravity, Pressure Vacuum Sewer and Potable Water.

Road Construction
We have successfully completed numerous Roading Projects ranging in size from kilometres of State Highway 1 Realignment projects to local subdivision projects. We work closely with the Road controlling Authorities and are able to deliver the best outcomes for all.

Aggregate Supply & Deliver
We own and operate quarries at Miners Road and McLeans Island Road and a stockyard in Maces Road, which means we can source and supply material resources into any construction project. The quality and supply of materials is virtually guaranteed on any project we undertake. With our fleet of truck and trailers we are also able to deliver material to our customers.